Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dear Reader,

((To Dad: I know I have a million blogs. But disclaimer- I forgot my password to the old one and couldn't retrieve it. That being so, I must start a new blog! ))

So, here I am starting a new blog! I thought to myself- A new blog deserves a new title.

The title I picked is, (obviously) "The Treasure Hunt". I picked this name because I like analogies...

Everyone has something that drives them- A dream, a goal, an ambition. Sometimes it is a cluster of different ambitions, while other times there is a single pursuit in mind. Many have something of value they want to possess, while others are simply trying to hold tight to the treasures they already have. For those who find their greatest comfort in material things, treasure could be money. For those struggling to keep their lives treasure could be more time. To each their own. Ideally, we all want the things that we believe will make us the most happy. For me? Well...

I want to possess the treasure of a balanced life.
I want to see more clearer perspectives.
I want to possess and hold on to true friendships.
I want the strengthen relationships in my family.
I want to find and BE the most real, most refined me,
I want love.
I want the treasure of a mind that is healthy and at peace.

To me, on my individual treasure hunt, those are among a collection of things I value most, because I believe having them will make me happier. Those are my sweet treasures. Some, I am trying to hold on to, while others I've yet to find. This hunt is a process, not a single event. As I learn, grow, and find treasures along my way I invite you to read along. Maybe you can learn from me. Maybe, you can avoid the disasters I find along the way, and not have to experience them. Maybe my hunt will aide you in yours.

Good luck on your journey,
Hannah <3

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