Saturday, July 2, 2011

Treasure Uncovered: Understanding/Trials

It's amazing how close minded and selfish I can be, without even doing it on purpose!
I'll admit that sometimes I think I have it harder than everyone else- But honeslty, what a dumb thought!
Tonight I'm grateful for the treasure of trials, accompanied by understanding.
I heard from two friends this evening, who both are having a rough time- to say the least.As each poured out details about the events that occured, my eyes were opened to see something I should have seen long ago...
The things my friends are going through are things I have similiarly gone through.But this is a blessing in disguise.
It is heartbreaking when a friend is going through hard times. And it's a horrible feeling to not be able to fix their problems. These are people you care about. You don't want to see them in pain-especially when you have a pretty good idea what that pain feels like.

It's a treasure to see that everyone struggles. Seeing that tonight taught me a valuable lesson! That lesson being that I should do all I can,  to be there for those I care about when they are in times of need! Not only because it's the right thing to do, but because in many cases, I've been there!!! I've felt the hurt. It would be utterly wrong to sit idly, and not try to help.
 It is a treasure to have trials, because they teach us how to love others.Trials teach is howto be there for the ones we love. I am so glad I found this treasure. Having a decent understanding of what others are feeling helps us remember what we have felt. "What would I have wanted someone else to do for me back then, when I was experiencing this...?" With this frame of mind, I could help in a more intimate and personal way. Maybe I could help ease the pain?
The Treasure of Understanding. The Treasure of Trials.

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